How pivot became the pandemic buzzword and why it should matter to you?
COVID-19 has taught us a lot of things about our society; our…

Looking back to look ahead? Here’s 5 techniques that can help
“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are…

Why is now the best time to reimagine our future?
The disruption from the pandemic has impacted us in ways that…

Dark times? Here’s how to activate your gift of faith
While touring the desert of Thalamus, Andrew knew he was dying…

How successful leaders work with faith and use it as a winning trait
“To believe without seeing is faith,
To forgive without asking…

5 ways to embrace your inner light
I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness,…

How to trigger inner awakening?
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into…

Understanding the DNA of an antifragile business
Our world is invariably lurching from crisis to crisis. For a…

Is resilience enough to overcome the after-effects of the pandemic?
Having lived a cooped up life predominantly interfacing with…

What does it mean to live an Anti-fragile life?
“How can you think yourself a great man when the first accident…