An inspiring tale of an innovative designer who made composting fun and essential for the environment

The minute I see compost, I realize how blessed I am to do something which helps the environment. Compost is the basic material for soil. We are losing soil and this is the best way to regenerate and revitalize it. When I thought of starting Daily Dump in 2006, my sole mission was to ‘Create out of Waste’. My curiosity and interest in this particular field of waste management drove me towards achieving my goal on highlighting the benefits of composting. My father is my biggest inspiration, and of course, graduating from the National Institute of Design helped me a lot.

Daily Dump is a design-led brand which enables designing and building products and services for decentralized waste management in homes, communities, offices and public spaces. The environment needs to be kept clean and the younger generations need to be taught that composting is an extremely cool way to rejuvenate the environment and the earth at large. I want waste management to be a topic that can be discussed, with pride and ownership. Daily Dump works towards changing the citizens’ mindsets towards waste management in urban spaces.

Of course, it’s immediate acquisition is tough because mindset changes may take over a generation and doesn’t usually happen overnight. There are days when all I want to do is take a break and sleep, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. I know that I can’t do many things, but I will do what I know best and is in my control! It is my passion for waste management that keeps me going every day and I will keep doing this in order to help the environment.

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