Succeeding without burning out: 6 tips for balancing academic life and wellness

Balancing academic pursuits and personal well-being is crucial for maintaining overall health and success. Here are six strategies to help achieve this balance:

With the academic journey of students becoming more demanding with every passing year, students can often find themselves feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated. In addition to academic pressures, an increase in screen time and limited in-person social interactions can hamper their emotional well-being.

A delicate balance between academics and their well-being is required to help them prevent a burnout-like state.

Sanjay Desai, an Author, Entrepreneur, and the Founder/CEO of ConsciousLeap offers advice on how students can intentionally maintain a balance:

1. Identifying the connection between academics and health
To maintain a healthy lifestyle along with studies, it is crucial to first identify the root cause of stress. The demanding nature of a student’s academic journey, if unmanaged, can get in the way of their well-being. Pressure from assignments and tests can cause stress and affect the memory power, and cognitive ability of students in the long run if not managed well.

2. Cultivating stress management skills
Exams are an integral part of the academic journey and while assignment deadlines and examination pressure can cause panic-like situations for students, they can mitigate this stress with healthy habits. Practising meditation and journaling regularly will help students gather their thoughts better. Students can also practice these techniques in between their study breaks. Techniques like breathing sessions or yoga can also help them cope with feelings of overwhelm and help them maintain mental rigour during high-pressure times.

3. Saying yes to physical activity
Physical activity is crucial in maintaining the overall well-being of students. Sitting on a chair for prolonged periods while studying, and focusing on books or digital devices can cause physical stiffness. It is always advisable to move and take short breaks in between those long hours of study sessions. Students should allocate pockets of time for a short walk or those 20 pushups to ensure they are devoting some time to their physical wellness.

4. Seeking help
If students find themselves feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of their academics, they should not hesitate to ask for help from their mentors or parents. Students should seek expert assistance when necessary. With the help of mentors and peer support, students can easily navigate their way through any difficulties.

5. Maintaining a well-balanced diet
A well-balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for sustaining energy levels and cognitive function. Maintaining a healthy diet will ensure that they receive the necessary vitamins and nutrients for their overall well-being.

6. Maintaining an optimistic outlook
Cultivating a positive mindset and embracing gratitude over the long term fosters resilience, contributing to the effective management of both academic pursuits and extracurricular activities. Gratitude is like unearthing little treasures of optimism scattered throughout your day to remind you of the good things even in the face of adversity. Acknowledging your successes, no matter how minor, increases your motivation and sense of value. Treating yourself with the same care you would a friend entails practicing self-compassion.

Balancing academics and well-being is an ongoing process that calls for self-awareness and constant effort. Students can lay a foundation for their success that goes beyond the classroom by adopting good time-management habits, placing a high value on their physical and emotional health, and cultivating social connections. A rewarding educational journey is facilitated by adopting a holistic approach to education that prioritises both personal growth and academic success.

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