5 tips to sustain mental well-being while preparing for high-pressure exams

Preparing for high-pressure exams can be mentally challenging, but there are several strategies to help sustain your mental well-being during this time. Here are five tips:

With pressures from social media, peers, and ever-changing life situations, young minds have become fragile and are facing constant personal challenges. These challenges are affecting the emotional resilience and behavioural quotient in children, further impacting their ability to learn and collaborate effectively. Persistent stress and anxiety result in neurological challenges and learning disabilities.

As the academic journey turns increasingly competitive, students often find themselves having trouble balancing academics with their health and overall well-being. Important events like examinations are an inevitable part of a student’s academic journey, and therefore the inability to manage exam stress can take a toll on a student’s mental wellbeing.

Managing the load from class projects and learning curriculum, with limited time for revisiting these learnings can be a monumental task.

Here are some essential tips given by Mr Sanjay Desai- Author, Entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of ConsciousLeap., that can help you to not only survive but thrive during these crucial times:


To handle the stress of high-pressure exams, students are recommended to plan their preparation schedule well in advance. Students should create a realistic timetable that includes their studies, mocks, meals, and leisure time.

It is usually better to break up your syllabus into smaller, more manageable sections and to give each one the necessary amount of time and days. One can monitor their progress and accomplish structured learning in this way.


Despite devoting a lot of time to their studies, students find it difficult to recall the information when required, which can make them feel blank or frozen. Students can incorporate different methods that can make their study sessions engaging as well as help them retain the information for an extended amount of time.

Methods such as summarisation, flashcards, and active recall can be used to make learning engaging and fun. Students can also practice mocks and reach out to their peers for support.


Students can often find themselves in a cycle of relentless studying given the increase in study material and resources. They should choose these resources wisely by being selective about their choice of book or study guide.

Additionally, students should opt for quality learning in a shorter duration vs the number of hours allocated to learning, therefore increasing focus and instilling quality learning.


Exam preparation can often be isolating and, therefore, students need to reach out to their network for support. If students experience any difficulty, poor self-esteem, or are emotionally overwhelmed, they should reach out to their parents, close friends, or a mentor who can help them put things into perspective.

Students should try and create a positive and motivating environment. While this may not help cover the syllabus faster, it will help them improve their learning with ease.

It takes a combination of positive thinking, self-care, and planned study to succeed in high-pressure tests. Students can improve their emotional well-being and academic performance by putting these tips into practice.

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