Human Potential

ConsciousLeap seeks to trigger self awareness of subconscious behavioural tendencies to enable greater fulfilment in life.

Unlocking Wellbeing

ConsciousLeap’s wellbeing programs aim to strengthen the foundations of wellbeing for young minds so that they can achieve success in their career, academics and life. Through preventive mental wellbeing, young minds can take charge of their overall happiness and personal development.

Unlocking Success

Our propriety, Make You Happen™ (MYH) framework’s unique integration of life skills with wellbeing is designed to help individuals relate to success and wellbeing, commit to it, and sustain the motivation through their journey.

Unlocking Empowerment

Prioritizing teacher wellbeing helps reduce burnout and turnover rates, ensuring continuity and stability in education delivery. ConsciousLeap’s the Teacher Wellbeing Program supports educators in managing the demands of their professional lives, enhancing their ability to inspire and guide students effectively while also assisting them in navigating personal life pressures.

WellspireTM tractions

Uttarakhand Govt (Samagra Shiksha), ConsciousLeap and Nehru Foundation for Development CEE sign a tripartite MOU to bring the WellspireTM program for preventive mental wellbeing of students.

Student wellbeing in the context
of academic evaluation

Integrating mindfulness exercises, counseling services, and mental health education into the curriculum can empower students to navigate challenges with greater efficacy.